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Obstetric & Gynecologic Assocs. of Iowa City & Coralville, P.C., In re

Motion to dismiss Chapter 11 case granted as the debtor's filing was not undertaken in good faith but was instead undertaken to serve self-interests of the debtor and its malpractice insurer. (Bankr. S.D. Iowa)
Conversion or Dismissal.

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Commercial opinion summary, case decided on March 29, 2023 , LexisNexis #0523-070

Topp, In re

Court applied the treasury bond as base rate where the secured creditor held notes andmortgages against real estate. (Bankr. S.D. Iowa)
Confirmation of Plan; Conditions; Allowed Secured Claimholders.

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Consumer opinion summary, case decided on September 16, 2021 , LexisNexis #1121-020

Zilisch, In re--Zilisch v. FedLoan Servicing

Debtor's student loan debt was discharged as debtor showed that repayment would constitutean undue hardship. (Bankr. S.D. Iowa)
Exceptions to Discharge; Types of Debt Excepted; Educational Loans.

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Consumer opinion summary, case decided on September 07, 2021 , LexisNexis #1021-090

Wedig, In re

Incarceration was not grounds for waiver of credit counseling requirement. (Bankr. S.D. Iowa)
Who May Be a Debtor.

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Consumer opinion summary, case decided on February 05, 2021 , LexisNexis #0421-027

Petersen, In re

Attorney sanctioned for knowingly and willingly permitting a different law firm to use hiselectronic filing credentials. (Bankr. S.D. Iowa)
Signing of Papers; Representations to the Court; Sanctions; Verification and Copies of Papers.

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Consumer opinion summary, case decided on August 23, 2018 , LexisNexis #1018-030

Petersen, In re

Attorney sanctioned for knowingly and willingly permitting a different law firm to use hiselectronic filing credentials. (Bankr. S.D. Iowa)
Signing of Papers; Representations to the Court; Sanctions; Verification and Copies of Papers.

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Consumer opinion summary, case decided on August 23, 2018 , LexisNexis #1018-030

Bennett, In re--The Paddock, LLC v. Bennett

Bankruptcy court did not err in concluding that, under Iowa law, debtors' manufactured home was personal property and therefore the antimodification provision did not apply. (B.A.P. 8th Cir.)
Contents of Plan; Discretionary Provisions; Modification of Claimholders’ Rights.

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Court :
Judge or Jurisdiction information not available
Consumer opinion summary, case decided on April 19, 2018 , LexisNexis #0518-108

Lanum, In re--Sterling v. Lanum

Debts deemed dischargeable as the creditor failed to show malicious or targeted harm. (Bankr. S.D. Iowa)
Exceptions to Discharge; Types of Debt Excepted; Willful and Malicious Injury to Another Entity or Property of Another Entity.

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Consumer opinion summary, case decided on June 02, 2017 , LexisNexis #0717-047

Jointly Administered

Motion for allowance of fees by counsel of oversecured creditor for services rendered pre-petition was denied as reasonableness of amount could not be determined by the law. (Bankr. S.D. Iowa)
Determination of Secured Status; Allowance of Interest, Fees, Costs and Charges.

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Commercial opinion summary, case decided on May 09, 2017 , LexisNexis #0617-039

Fern, In re--Fern v. FedLoan Servicing

Evidence supported bankruptcy court's conclusion that debtor's student loans were dischargeable based upon undue hardship. (B.A.P. 8th Cir.)
Exceptions to Discharge; Types of Debt Excepted; Educational Loans.

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Court :
Judge or Jurisdiction information not available
Consumer opinion summary, case decided on February 07, 2017 , LexisNexis #0317-038